Odoo Format Fields#

Suppose you have a simple Integer field defined on your model like this:

class Lead(models.Model):

    number = fields.Integer('Number')

To display it in the form, you would have a view like this:

<field name="number" widget="integer" options="{'format': False}"/>

But for larger numbers like 12345, Odoo would format them according to your locale, e.g. 12,345. This is bad UX, if you want to copy & paste this number.

Here is how to remove the format:

<field name="number" widget="integer" options="{'format': False}"/>

Simple, right?

But how do you find out what kind of options are there?

Finding nodeOptions#

First, you have to find the widget’s implementation in


In our example that’s the line

.add('integer', basic_fields.FieldInteger)

which is defined in addons/web/static/src/legacy/js/fields/basic_fields.js as:

var FieldInteger = NumericField.extend({

So we look at NumericField and find the following by searching for nodeOptions:

    init() {
        this._super.apply(this, arguments);
        this.shouldFormat = Boolean(
            JSON.parse('format' in this.nodeOptions ? this.nodeOptions.format : true)

This tells us, that there is a boolean option format, that we can set to False as we did before:

<field name="number" widget="integer" options="{'format': False}"/>

Using Pycharm’s Odoo Addon#

At this point I’d like to give a shout out to the Odoo Framework Integration for PyCharm Plugin by Trịnh Anh Ngọc. It’s well worth its price. With it, here’s what you can do:

  1. in your view, ctrl+click the integer word of widget='integer'

  2. ctrl+click FieldInteger

  3. ctrl+click FieldInteger again

  4. ctrl+click NumericField

  5. search for nodeOptions

And there you have it.